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Adoption and Surrogacy 

Welcoming a new child into your family is a rewarding and life-changing experience. Liberty Mutual supports you when you grow your family through adoption or surrogacy.


Liberty Mutual Adoption Assistance Plan

Under the Adoption Assistance Plan, you can receive financial reimbursement of up to $40,000 per child for adoption-related expenses for a child under the age of 18 or who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself. If both parents are eligible Liberty employees, the $40,000 expense limit applies to both of you together as a family unit for the finalized adoption of the same child.

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Adoption Program

Adopting a child is a rewarding and life-changing experience. Liberty supports you when you grow your family through adoption with support from the Adoption Assistance Plan. 



Eligible expenses

Expenses eligible for reimbursement under the Adoption Assistance Plan must be reasonable and necessary expenses directly related to a legal adoption. Eligible expenses include:

  • Adoption agency fees
  • Legal fees (e.g., attorney fees)
  • Court costs
  • Physical examination of your child
  • Birth mother’s pregnancy-related expenses – her pregnancy-related out-of-pocket medical expenses, provided they are not eligible for reimbursement under any insurance plan
  • Placement fees
  • Home study fees
  • Medical examination of the prospective parent
  • Temporary foster care pending child placement
  • Transportation and travel expenses (including meals and lodging) for the child, the adoptive parents, the biological parents and the appointed guardians
  • Adoptive parent background check, including finger printing

Ineligible expenses

Expenses not eligible for reimbursement under the Adoption Assistance Plan include:

  • Expenses that violate federal, state or local law
  • Expenses incurred while not employed by Liberty Mutual
  • Expenses to adopt your spouse’s or domestic partner’s child(ren)
  • Expenses for the biological parents, other than medical expenses and transportation or travel expenses that are related to the birth of the child
  • Voluntary donations or contributions to the adoption agency
  • Costs to obtain guardianship or custody of the child that aren’t connected with the child’s legal adoption
  • Per IRS regulations, adoption expenses as part of a surrogate parenting arrangement do not qualify under the Adoption Assistance Plan, but can be submitted under the Surrogacy Assistance Plan – please see the Surrogacy Assistance Plan summary for more information
  • Expenses otherwise reimbursed or covered under other Liberty Mutual plans or programs, under the plans or programs of a non-Liberty Mutual parent’s employer or expenses paid or reimbursed by any other source including a local, state or federal program
  • Expenses taken as a credit or deduction under any federal income tax rule or provision

Please complete the Adoption Claims Reimbursement Form to receive reimbursement for your qualified adoption expenses.


Liberty Mutual Surrogacy Assistance Plan summary

Under the Surrogacy Assistance Plan, you can receive financial reimbursement of up to $40,000 for surrogacy related expenses. If both parents are eligible Liberty employees, the $40,000 expense limit applies to both of you together as a family unit for any adoption and/or surrogacy expenses combined.

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Surrogacy Assistance Plan

Welcoming a new child into your family is a rewarding and life-changing experience. Liberty supports you when you grow your family through the surrogacy process with support from the Surrogacy Assistance Plan.



Eligible expenses

Expenses eligible for reimbursement under the Surrogacy Assistance Plan must be reasonable and necessary expenses directly related to a surrogacy. Eligible expenses include:

  • Court costs and attorney's fees
  • Legal fees incurred for review and negotiation of the surrogacy contract, which much be contracted for and is valid under United States federal, state and local law or incurred in connection with acquiring legal parenting rights, including expenses associated with obtaining a pre-birth order
  • Surrogate agency fees
  • Egg/sperm donation agency fees
  • Gestational carrier and egg or sperm donor screening costs, egg or sperm retrieval fees, IVF and medical costs (only if not covered by another source)
  • Gestational carrier and egg/sperm donor compensation
  • Egg or sperm donation shipping and transport fees
  • IVF costs related to surrogacy or egg/sperm donation not covered by insurance
  • Pregnancy medical expenses related to surrogacy or egg/sperm donation not covered by another source
  • Travel expenses for the intended parents including meals and lodging
  • Adoption expenses related to a surrogacy event that aren’t eligible for submission under the Adoption Assistance Plan – please see the Adoption Assistance Plan overview for more information

Ineligible expenses

Expenses not eligible for reimbursement under the Surrogacy Assistance Plan include:

  • Expenses incurred while not employed by Liberty Mutual
  • Costs that violate United States federal, state and local law
  • Fees paid to a surrogate who doesn’t reside in the United States during the term of the surrogacy
  • Fees charged by the surrogate for acting as a surrogate which are charged under the surrogacy contract
  • Voluntary donations or contributions
  • Fees paid directly to the surrogate for her services, not through an agency
  • Costs for personal items, such as food and clothing for the surrogate, parents or child, whether or not charged to you under the surrogacy contract
  • Insurance copays, coinsurance and cost sharing for medically related expenses (e.g., deductibles and out-of-pocket maximums) for the surrogate, whether or not charged to you under the surrogacy contract
  • Medical expenses for third parties, including a sperm, egg or embryo donor
  • Long-term (more than 30 days) storage of blood, umbilical cord, reproductive
  • Short-term disability expenses or wage replacement costs incurred by the surrogate or surrogacy agency
  • Expenses allowed as a credit or deduction under any other federal income tax rule
  • Expenses already paid or reimbursed by sources other than the eligible employee (e.g., another employer or other party), whether through Liberty policies or benefit programs through third parties (e.g., costs paid by funds received from any federal, state or local program)

Please complete the Surrogacy Claims Reimbursement Form to receive reimbursement for your qualified surrogacy expenses.